Authors please indicate if the manuscript represents your
IPEG abstract presentation, video or poster.
Manuscripts must be submitted online using the following URL:
Pediatric Editor:
Mark Wulkan, MD
Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques will accept original manuscripts which contain material that has not been reported elsewhere, except in the form of an abstract of not more than 400 words. Prior abstract presentations should be described in a footnote to the title. Submissions should be accompanied by a letter requesting evaluation for publication.
The Copyright Agreement form (available from web site at should be submitted once your paper has been accepted for publication. Manuscripts cannot be published without this form. The corresponding author is responsible for obtaining signatures of coauthors. Authors not permitted to release copyright must still return the form signed under the statement of the reason for not releasing the copyright. Upon acceptance of your paper, please fax the Copyright Agreement form to 914-740-2108.
Manuscripts should be submitted double-spaced with ample margins on both sides, top, and bottom.
The title page should include the author’s names and affiliations, the source of a work or study (if any), and a running title of about 45 characters. Please indicate the name, address, phone number, fax number, and e-mail address of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Title pages must be submitted as part of the manuscript document. The second page should consist of an abstract of not more than 250 words, which should be self-explanatory without reference to the text. The papers should follow this format: abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, acknowledgments, references. Number pages consecutively. At the end of the paper, give the name and address of the individual to whom reprint requests should be directed. Revised papers must include a cover letter stating the required changes and a revised manuscript without track changes.
Please follow the requested style to avoid delays in publication. Consult an issue of the Journal for the exact format.
Use Arabic numerals to number tables. Remember each table must stand alone, i.e., contain all necessary information in the caption, and the table itself must be understood independently of the text. Details of experimental conditions should be included in the table footnotes. Information that appears in the text should not be repeated in tables, and tables should not contain data that can be given in the text in one or two sentences.
Please follow these guidelines for submitting figures:
• Do NOT embed art files into a Word or PDF document.
• Line illustrations should be submitted at 1200 dpi.
• Halftones and color should be submitted at a minimum of 300 dpi.
• Save as either TIFF or EPS files.
• Color art must be saved as CYMK – not RGB.
• Black and White art must be submitted as grayscale – not RGB.
• Do NOT submit PowerPoint, PDF, Bitmap or Excel files.
Please name your artwork files with the submitting authors name i.e. SmithFig1.tif, SmithTable2.tif etc. Authors who do not follow these guidelines may have their submission returned to them without being reviewed.
In order to expedite your submission as quickly and efficiently as possible we ask that all artwork be checked using Digital Expert before submitting. This is a free tool that will ensure that you prepare and submit quality digital materials suitable for print.
Go to to check your image files.
You will be given directions on how to correct any files which do not pass.
Converting Word or Excel files: Perhaps the best and easiest way to convert Word or Excel files into a format which is suitable for print is to scan them using the below guidelines:
• All files should be scanned at 100% size.
• 300 dpi
• Final color mode: cmyk
• save file as: .tif or .eps
If you need directions on how to convert a Power Point slide to acceptable format go to
A list of figure legends should be supplied at the end of the manuscript, double spaced.
Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques encourages video submission. The video must be a high quality MPEG format no longer than 12 minutes duration.
Abbreviations of journal titles should follow MEDLINE.
Immediately following the Acknowledgments section, include a section entitled “Author Disclosure Statement.” In this portion of the paper, authors must disclose any commercial associations that might create a conflict of interest in connection with submitted manuscripts. This statement should include appropriate information for EACH author, thereby representing that competing financial interests of all authors have been appropriately disclosed according to the policy of the Journal. It is important that all conflicts of interest, whether they are actual or potential, be disclosed. This information will remain confidential while the paper is being reviewed and will not influence the editorial decision. Please see the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals at for further guidance. If no conflicts exist, the authors must state “No competing financial interests exist.”
When naming your figure files, please label them with your manuscript number, followed by a period (.), and then list the figure number. Ex: MET-2008-0123.Fig1. Label figures and tables inside the files in addition to naming the file with the figure or table number. (ie: When figures or table files are opened, the figure or table number should appear inside the file.)
IMPORTANT: Please upload individual files of all manuscript material — do NOT upload a single PDF file containing all text, figure, and table files of your paper. Once all individual files are uploaded on to Manuscript Central, the system will automatically create a single PDF proof for you and the peer-review process.
If no conflicts exist, the authors must state “No competing financial interests exist.”
References should be presented in the following style: Journal articles: Ko ST, Airan MC. Technique and early experience of laparoscopic cholecystectomy and cholangiogram. Surg. Endosc 1990;4:58–59, 49A. Books: Cuschieri A, Bouchier IAD: The biliary tract. In: Cuschieri A, Giles GR, and Moossa AR (eds): Essential Surgical Practice. London: Wright Publishers, 1988, pp 1051–1056. If it is necessary to cite an abstract, this should be designated. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references, and are reminded that inaccurate references are highly frustrating to the reader, the cited author, and indexing services.
The author must obtain permission to reproduce figures, tables, and text from previously published material. Written permission must be obtained (by the author) from the original copyright holder (generally the publisher, not the author or editor) of the journal or book concerned. An appropriate credit line should be included in the figure legend or table footnote, and full publication information should be included in the reference list. Written permission must be obtained from the author for any unpublished material cited from other laboratories, and should accompany the manuscript.
Reprints may be ordered by using the special reprint order form that will accompany the proofs. Reprints ordered after the issue is printed will be charged at a substantially higher rate.
The Journal is published by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., 140 Huguenot Street, 3rd Floor, New Rochelle, NY 10801-5215. Telephone: (914) 740-2100; Fax: (914) 740-2101; E-mail: [email protected]; on-line: